Jan 16, 2011

January Dreaming

OK, so I've been kinda absent... Christmas was a whirlwind. Chris had been out of town, for most of the month, then home right before Christmas. Christmas Day was fun, with all the usual trimmings, except I had to pack the boys up for the trip to Pennsylvania. Chris and the boys left on Sunday 12/26, while I worked that day.

My original plan was to leave very early in the morning on Monday, but the blizzard changed that. So, I hunkered down, got impatient, then left at 7:30 p.m. and drove all night. Let me just say, now I remember why I hated working nights. Pulling an all-nighter, driving through snow- not the most enjoyable ride...

But I arrived safe and sound the next morning, and had a really great visit with the family! We spent two nights with my sister, and one with my mom. The boys got to soak up thier cousins and grandparents (as did I!) I also caught up with an old friends that I hadn't seen in 27 years- gotta love Facebook!

We blew back out of Pa. at 0330 Friday morning, as I had to work on Saturday. It was a short but sweet trip! I miss my family. It was weird to be home for such a short time. I was really afraid that it was going to make me homesick again- something  I have been fighting since I moved here. I am, for the most part, NOT feeling terribly homesick these days, but I was afraid of even cracking the lid on that Pandora's box... I think the short duration of the trip prevented that- it was too much of a whirlwind!

I miss my family. I don't think anything will ever change that. But I'm doing OK here too.

Hugs- Lee


Sarah @ Modern Country Style said...

I've got in touch with an old friend through Facebook too. Isn't it strange?!

I'm glad you were okay after your drive. It sounds like a nightmare.

And a blizzard? I've never been in a blizzard before. Even the word sounds strange and exotic to my ears!


Cassie Shella said...

I'm so glad you had such a nice visit with your family. I have a twin sister and we have never lived more than thirty miles apart, not sure if I could handle being too far from her. And your right about facebook! Hope you have a lovely warm week-it's suppose to be a high of 13 here today!