Apr 30, 2010

Our New Twigs and Feathers 'Zine! and a Giveaway

After the long, snowy Winter many of us have had, Spring has been a welcome balm to our frost-bitten hearts! Just the thought of green grass, crocus and daffodils, and the return of the song birds make me happy.

This year, Spring will also bring a new project from Tammy and me. We have poured our hearts and creative souls into our first 'Zine Twigs and Feathers - Creative Spring Journey.

It is full of carefully chosen thoughts.

These thoughts are meant to inspire you, in any form that you love. You'll find a lovely journaling spot from Natalea. You'll find crafting techniques and recipes.

You'll find a pocket of small treasures- from us to you.

And you'll find glimpses into us- our lives, creative energy, and friendship.

You can find it at our Etsy Shop. Leave me a comment, and you'll be in the running for a free issue. Become a follower, and get counted for two entries. Blog about it- and come back and let me know- and you'll be counted for three entries. The first person to purchase a Zine will be the proud recipient of a special prize, featured in the Techniques to Share. (and a shout out and thanks to Kim, who is our first buyer!)

We hope you'll love it as much as we do. Hugs- Lee and Tammy

Apr 27, 2010

Faith in the Possibility

"I have an almost complete disregard of precedent, and a faith in the possibility of something better. It irritates me to be told how things have always been done. I defy the tyranny of precedent. I go for anything new that might improve the past. " Clara Barton, 1821-1912, American Civil War Nurse, founder of the American National Red Cross.

for Collage Camp challenge.
8 x 11, available at the shop.
Wow, amazing words from an amazing woman. Imagine what it was like during her time- the role of women, the power of men. And yet she stood up. SHE STOOD UP.
And the American Red Cross still exists today. Thank you, Clara.

Apr 24, 2010

Blue Skies...

nothing but blue......
side field
my mom
anyone know what flower this is? I figured it out- it's Siberian Squill.

and some yellow too.

And maybe, just maybe..........................

a sneaky peeky..............................

at something really cool. Check back next weekend.

Hugs- Lee

Apr 21, 2010

Some Wonderful Finds

I know, I know, I said I wasn't going to post anything while the folks were here...
Then I got this amazing catalog in the mail, and I was in love. Go see At West End, and enjoy $5 shipping.

lovvvvvvvvvvvve this. I hope hubby can make me some!
Can't you just picture this, filled with lovely tea or lemonade?

this is on it's way to my house!!


I bought a similar one already, but a gal can't have too many crowns...

hugs- Lee

Apr 20, 2010

The Parent Trap

Ah ha- gotcha!!

My parents are in town for the week. So far, we've walked the fences, figured out how many ponies they can bring up, mowed the law, been out to lunch and Walmart, and my Dad is still going.....

Be back in a week- hugs

Apr 15, 2010

Slowing Down and Cutting Back

Lately, I have found myself becoming overwhelmed. Like most of you, it's not one thing- but many.

1. It's still a big adjustment, moving away from my family. I miss them. I miss home. I miss knowing where things are, where I fit in.

2. The kids, who are the biggest blessing I have, are tough at times. Both are at an ages where they are trying to be independent, choose their own way, and ignore mommy. I try to give them responsibilities, let me choose when they can, and try to understand the outbursts- but it ain't easy. LOL. And surely, I'm not telling you anything new!

3. I just started a new job. I have been an Open Heart nurse for 10 years, at the same insitution. Now, I'm moving into a new, much smaller, insitution, with a combined ICU. It should be interesting.

4. The darned chickens I ordered. So excited to get them, and so not ready.

So...... I gave myself permission to not be the "be-all, do-all" kind of mother we all find ourselves trying to be and- I cancelled the chicken order!! I am disappointed and relieved. Maybe next year.
So this leads me to a few conclusions- ones we all know but forget about:
1. It's OK to be overwhelmed. I don't need to be perfect. The trick is to figure out what can either be put off or cut out.

2. I don't have to be everything to everyone. Really, I don't.

3. It's OK that my kids make me nuts sometimes. It is who they are at the moment. I need to remember it's not going to kill them if they eat cookies for dinner, if they forgot to change their underwear, or if I let them argue it out. I need to remember that they will be little for such a short, short time. Childhood is fleeting.

4. In the same vein, I need to not loose my cool and step back and try to figure out why they're doing whatever it is that is making me pull me hair out.

5. Hugs work wonders. Sometimes when the kids are cranky and screechy, I have them come sit on my lap and cuddle for a few minutes. The contact calms both of us down, and many times I find out the real reason for the fighting.

So, tell me what you've recently learned? What you've recently given yourself permission to do, or NOT to do. Tell me about you.

hugs- Lee

Apr 8, 2010


Picking paint colors is always interesting. Sometimes you hit, sometimes you miss! Lately, all of the blogs, magazines, and websites I have been attracted to show white, white and more white! I also love pops of pale aqua too- you know, like sea glass, or Bell jars. Like this cool kitchen shelf:

Anyway, the room my husband and I are using for our bedroom right now has orange carpet, orangey-oak beadboard wainscotting, and had HORRIBLE wallpaper- tan and cream and orangey flowers. UGH.

When we pulled the wallpaper down, we found old plaster underneath it, with patches of white spackle. It kinda cool- kind of- in a Tuscan sort of way. Almost.

So, rather than buy paint, I chose a full gallon of something called "spring thaw." It looked kind of tan, so I thought it would be a good neutral. (Oh- and I say something because although we brought it with us from our former house, we didn't buy it. It had been there from the last owners- but obviously never used.) So I put it up and it made a huge difference!! The only "thing" is, it's kind of green, which is actually OK for now. At least the wallpaper is gone (but if you want some, I found a closet literally half full with old wallpaper- but not cool old wallpaper, just old vinyl '80s stuff).

Now, although we don't plan on doing anything else with the room for quite awhile, we are on the hunt for a rug remnant, 'cause orange ain't my thang. Thank God it isn't shag.
I found this photo at Papillon Linens, and LOVE it. This is my next bedroom!! Seriously.

hugs- Lee

Apr 3, 2010

Lobstahs and Things

Did you miss me, my sweet blogging friends? It's been awhile since my last post... This may be a long one, I'm warning you!

My mom and sister Christine, along with her two kids Joe and Matthew, came up last week for a visit! What a balm to my soul! It's been difficult, to say the least, to move so far away from family. Mom and Guy lived about 3 miles from our house in Pa., and we saw them a lot. The kids miss them terribly, and it's very hard to hear them ask to go see Gammy and Pop Pop, or to ask where their cousins are.

Christine and I are true Irish twins, born in the same year. Needless to say, she's like my missing other half. We've always been best friends and partners in crime. We've helped each other move, paint, redecorate, clean up, clean out, baby sit, swap kids clothes. etc.

The weather was cold and rainy, so we just spent lots of time together. Christine and I tackled the old nasty wallpaper that covered the side hallway, staircase, and upper hallway that leads to the third floor. The walls are old plaster and were covered in sticky paste. Ugh. There was a doorway right where the hall met the other hall that leads either to the laundry or the kitchen. Chris took the door down, realized it was a false doorway, and ripped the whole thing out. What a difference!! Light now fills the hallway and staircase- which previously felt like a cave. Chris finally gave into my request to paint the beadboard. He didn't want to because it's "original" to the house.

A visit to Maine wouldn't be complete without a lobster dinner! I actually steamed them myself! Adam was a bit freaked out, he wanted to keep the lobsters and let them live in a bowl of water. He cried and cried, but once them were steamed, he made the simple announcement "they're dead" and that was that!

This is a picture of my 16 1/2 year old cat Peanut, who thought she might like some lobster. After smelling it, she thought "no" but was enticed by a piece of steak. Today she is not herself, not eating too much, and I am scared for my old gal. She has had a long and happy life, but I'm not ready to part with her yet.

So, after a few days, the gang headed back to Pennsylvania. I am glad they made it up, and am waiting for the next installment!

Happy Easter- Lee