Aug 31, 2012

We've landed

Just a quick note- boy has this past week been a whirlwind!! We moved down to PA a week ago Thursday, back with my parents. It's kind of weird being home, and kind of nice. The boys are sleeping in my old room. Chris and I share my sister's old room. The cats are settling in, as is the dog. There are boxes everywhere, and I can't find anything.

In the past week I've been cleaning, unpacking , organizing (sorta), had a job interview, and meeting with HR the nest day, started the kids in a new school (which requires me to take them to and from every day until the bussing is set up), called my friend to turn down one job, accepted another job, sent my license information off, had a great visit with my aunt and cousin, and went to the Maryland State Fair!! WHEW.

Through all of this, is has been hot- at least to us used to the glory of Maine's summers.

Oh- and we've had 4 showings of the house this week. One (crappy) offer, and a strong possibilty of two more!! woo hoo.

That's it in a nutshell! I hope to be able to post more often, bust out some art supplies, and be creative. But first I have to find my supplies.....

1 comment:

Gigi said...

Wow, sounds like it's been a productive week with lots of positives!